The world of navies is a fascinating one and a new venture for WARSHIPS IFR is a podcast on which the host (and this magazine’s Editor) Iain Ballantyne talks to special guests about a variety of topics relating to global naval news.
During lively discussions they also touch on history and other aspects of the broader maritime community, all of which listeners will hopefully find educational and entertaining.
Here’s what’s in the latest WARSHIPS POD episode – 6: Ukraine Crisis: The Russian Navy’s Global Power Play
Our special guest is defence and international affairs analyst Dr James Bosbotinis who is a regular contributor to WARSHIPS IFR magazine. He possesses deep insights into Russia’s naval capabilities, along with the maritime strategy and long-range strike capabilities of Moscow’s surface warships and submarines.

Topics discussed include: the purpose of Russia deploying task groups to seas off Ireland, in the Mediterranean and elsewhere as the Ukraine Crisis simmers; the capabilities of missiles in Russia’s ships and submarines at sea; whether or not the Russian Navy of today can sustain its global presence at the current pace; how Russia is creating a potent mix of new submarines and vessels alongside regenerated Cold War-era units.
Also touched on: what may or may not happen in the Black Sea should President Vladimir Putin decide on war with Ukraine; how Russia’s naval forces would contribute via sea-based cruise missile attacks; Russia’s wider use of its naval forces to challenge the West; NATO’ s response to Moscow’s moves at sea, including the USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group of the US Navy in the Mediterranean.
The purpose of Russia assembling an amphibious assault fleet in the Black Sea is weighed up too. Is it just a distraction while the Kremlin acts elsewhere, or will those vessels actually be used to stage an attack against Odessa and/or in the Sea of Azov? Iain and James also ponder how NATO will need to respond to Russia beyond the Ukraine Crisis, in what is shaping up as a new Cold War at sea.
To access the podcast, which is available on all apps CLICK HERE

For more information about Dr James Bosbotinis visit his LinkedIn Profile or his Twitter page
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